
Digital Consumption Guide for Kids

With the introduction of the latest media technologies in the form of tablets, phones, TVs, and computers, the digital consumption of kids is reaching a new high. For busy parents, these devices are effective in keeping their children entertained. Various mobile apps and online videos become temporary nannies.

A little screen time every day is fine, but problems arise when they last for a few hours playing online games or watching films from a video production in NYC. It’s even more bothersome because you can’t control if they’re consuming age-appropriate content. Read on to learn some tips on how you can manage the way your children use their mobile devices.

Set Time Limits

Kids ages 2 to 5 shouldn’t spend over an hour per day on screen. Put away their phones and tablets if they’ve already used it longer than that duration. Turn the TV and the computer off as well because they’re just as harmful as their gadgets. Don’t set this rule immediately, though. It’ll be hard for your child to adjust to the sudden decline in their viewing time.

Tip: Make digital consumption a privilege for them. If they’ve been good today, reward them of their 1-hour use of mobile devices tomorrow. This technique is surprisingly effective in setting up limits in your child’s media exposure. Additionally, this makes you closer to them because you’re assessing their deeds every night before they sleep.

Be a Role Model

Children are most influenced by the examples set by their parents. So, if they see you surfing the Internet for hours, they’ll most likely copy you. With that said, you should be the first one to limit your media use.

Tip: Show them that there are more interesting options than what mobile devices can offer. Read a book together, play sports, or walk in the park. Any activity will do as long as it’ll make them physically active or divert their attention from their phones and tablets.

Choose High-Quality Apps and Shows

Don’t let your kids just browse through different mobile apps. Choose one that’s educational, where they can learn to read, write, or count. You can also opt for those that teach them to recognize colors or play musical notes. Sit beside them when they’re playing, so you can properly guide them.

Meanwhile, select shows that emphasize interactivity. Let them watch videos that inspire them to be curious about wildlife, science, or various cultures. Stay away from cartoons with violent themes and subliminal messages that aren’t applicable to young audiences.

Tip: Get in touch with a company that specializes in early education video production in NYC. They may have short documentary films that you can borrow and watch with your child.

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